Tenants to Homeowners (TTH)

Lawrence, KS (Ongoing)

Tenants to Homeowners is a local nonprofit established in 1992. The goal is to help families become homeowners and provide affordable rentals, while also educating homeowners. TTH rehabilitates older homes and builds new energy-efficient homes. They work with the city to change zoning laws and get a density bonus in order to subsidize land for multiple houses. Homeowners can rent or buy a house from TTH without purchasing the land to keep things affordable. 

Hernly has helped design rentals, stand alone houses, and neighborhoods. Most of the houses are brand new, energy-efficient houses with four-sided architecture. Many of them are accessible, feature solar panels, and have updated features. A majority of the houses are between 500 and 1,000 square-feet. 

Hernly Associates has assisted Tenants to Homeowners with several projects in Lawrence:

  • 1346 Rhode Island (4-bedroom single-family house)
  • Cedarwood Cottages (affordable senior housing duplexes)
  • Harper Street Houses (subsidized land with multiple single-family houses)
  • Michigan Street Houses (subsidized land with multiple single-family houses)
  • Perry Street Houses (subsidized land with multiple single-family houses)
  • Prairie Street Houses (subsidized land with multiple single-family houses)
  • Tiny Houses  (assortment of tiny houses throughout Lawrence)

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